Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Goodnight sweetheart

The bedtime routine has always been the same with Reuben. The acquarium plays over and over and lulls him into a beautiful peaceful state whereupon sleep sweeps over him. It's the same acquarium and thus the same tune we played back in the PICU days 2 years ago and yet the tune brings me great comfort, softly melodic, sweet and reassuring. Reuben no longer takes a nap in the daytime, but sleeps from 8pm-8am pretty solidly, maybe only waking up for a few seconds with a cough or when his diaper's changed, before he falls straight back to sleep. In this photo of Reuben, taken tonight from the side on which he has facial palsy, I'm marvelling at the beauty of his profile, his little pert nose and pouting lips, his eyes, heavy and intense. He looks utterly perfect to me here.

1 comment:

JENN said...

Oh, How angelic you are and always will be...

You are the most amazing little Angel ever...

I Love You little one --- you took a piece of my heart... and I'm sure with other caretakers as well.

PRAYING always for you for a very SAFE secured comfortable happy travel with your parents; the first of course with your baby brother...being you a toddler big brother to Callum...

With care always,