Friday, November 27, 2009

Reuben signing Special to Me from Baby Signing Time, Vol 2

This is one of our favourite songs to sing together and Reuben, seen here with a stinking cold and 3 days post tonsillectomy op, signs it almost word perfectly. Looking up to me with his sweet soulful eyes behind Ray Boyd (Jerry Maguire) glasses*, Reuben signs "special to me" to ask me to sing the song. There are a few out takes for this video and amusingly in one of them Reuben keeps signing away from me, pointing to the floor, until I realise he's actually signing that he wants the real Rachel Coleman from Baby Signing Time on the DVD player as he tries to tackle the video buttons directly (we've been used to the remote not working so the boys have been crawling under the cabinet to get to the video player). I don't blame you Reuben: we're all in love with what she's done for American Sign Language (ASL), children with special needs and perfectly typical kids too regarding increasing their vocabulary! The song is very heartfelt from me to Reuben. I hope you can see all the beautiful individual words and phrases he uses in real ASL to sing the song. He only stumbles near the end because I didn't see his sign for "family" and it's not til I watch the video on playback that I see I've thrown him off course. As you'll see, he signs with great concentration, having a little laugh along the way during his favourite parts. He also signs with great timing and pace. Please excuse the quality of the hand held video though I cut myself off deliberately so you can focus on Reuben's hands and when you do so focus, you'll see the intricacies of our beautiful signing miracle.

*Yes, the new glasses are a hoot! Just think, Ray Boyd, the little kid in Jerry Maguire. We've had a few comparisons of late and hey, these glasses are much more baby Callum stealing unfriendly.


TiaChica said...

That is so touching and beautiful!

Billy's Mum said...

What a clever boy you have there. Bought tears to my eyes!

Sara said...

Awwwww! Jules said she wanted to give Reu a hug whilst she was watching it!

Mama Kat said...

so great! ok, sweet as anything!

Crystal M. said...


Anonymous said...

Dearest Catherine

My eyes are full with joyful tears watching you and Reu. He is so beautiful and I just want to hold him tight, maybe one day I can.

You take care
Love & Big hugs as always x

Unknown said...

Catherine, that was SO beautiful. I've sent the link to Rachel via a direct message on Twitter; we follow each other since the CHARGE conference. I'm sure she would love to see it!

Anonymous said...

Catherine, thank you for sharing! This is so touching!! I remember Reuben sitting in your lap practicing......something that sticks in my mind!

Carrie (PT)

Anonymous said...

WOW! All I can say is "Wow!" Thanks for sharing that, so sweet and such a good signer. said...

I love how he signs "meant to be" with such force!!! I also learned a bunch of signs from him just now. Keep the videos coming... they're great! xoxo Jennifer

Kristi said...

Beautiful signing, beautiful singing and a beautiful bond between mother and son.

JENN said...

So Awesome "REU" with one of your best times with "Mama" Catherine showing your singing signing melody to everyone.....what fun to watch you even more great with your own video....

Show and telling me what you can do at occasional times in your own "early bird" waking hour in your morning routines about a month ago... sure do realized in the beginning that you were trying to tell what you can do ... knew you were SINGING with your sweet face and hands/fingers dancing movements with your awesome signing...

So this is the song that you have been repeatedly doing to show and tell....

You are a great little professor in signing "REU" and love to keep an eye on you with your signing movements ... So very cute...


Leslie, Arlin and Katie Kauffman said...

This is just beautiful, Catherine! Reuben is such a great signer already! This brought tears to my eyes--the song is so beautiful, and Reuben does such a sweet, amazing job of signing it. We love Signing Time too!

Unknown said...

did i ever comment on this wonderful

Karen Rock said...

That was amazing. I had a speech therapist tell me that we shouldn't bother teaching my 3 year old daughter sign becuase it is to difficult for them to form the words with their hands. HA!!! You have a beautiful voice. I look forward to the next song he does:).