Monday, May 14, 2007

Transfer from St Johns to CHLA

Safely on board the paramedic's trolley, here he is in his plastic box ready for his first journey on the 10 Freeway to Hollywood and his new temporary home, Children's Hospital LA.
Progress. We have a bed for Reuben at Children's, albeit not the bed we wanted at UCLA. So we move from St Johns tonight or tomorrow. I'm pumping now, looking around at Boo's toys and thinking I'll need to pack them all up later. I guess the nurses must get attached to our little ones and miss them when they leave. This is a big milestone for us; it will mean that Reube can get a genetic consult, can get his first surgery, to install the Gtube and that's his pathway to coming home. We will be able to feed him from there. It is of course hugely daunting for us and thrilling at the same time. But I can't pretend to be anything but scared about the path ahead and his basic needs survival, within a more risky scenario, being so heavily dependent on us. Could it really be as Dr Davis said that he could be home with us as early as Friday?

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