The paediatric trauma team saved his life. It is too frightening to imagine would what have happened if we hadn't gone to the ER when we did and if our freeway journey hadn't been given a green light by Reuben's guardian angel.
We feel, along with the cardiologist, that the fever was caused by the dormant pseudomonas, a ventilator-associated pneumonia likely caught from when he was in the NICU weeks ago and perhaps only emerging when he had his whooping cough and diptheria vaccinations on Monday. However the jury's out. Other physicians believe his heart requires more imminent surgery and yet the echocardiogram suggests that the heart (other than heart failure), is physiologically the same, it's just tired.
He's stable now though the ventilator is still partly breathing for him. Sadly this is all part of Charge, in and out of hospital.
As of Tuesday 17th.. Reuben is slowly being wheened off the ventilator and we hope for extubation tomorrow. Then it'll likely be the CPAP before the nasal canula which would allow him to go home. The fever is down and that's a very good thing.
Oh Catherine- deep gratituted for all the blessings that have tended to yours and Reuben's care, and a heavy full heart for the love you feel so deeply which is for his own betterment, in intensive care. May willingness, clarity and resilience prevail as these symptoms are sorted out and the path and questions defined. Our hearts are with you. Speedy recovery to precious Reuben. Prcious sleep and peace to you and Jason- love, yuka
Catherine, how terribly frightening for you both, his progress must seem like 'snakes and ladders'at times. But Reuben has shown again and again, how strong and resilient he is. He is responding well to medication and we must have faith in the medical care and his own little spirit to thrive. We are thinking of you all and sending our love, love Erica xx
You poor loves... how scary that must have been. He sounds like such a little fighter... you must be so proud of him. Hope he recovers from this latest set-back quickly and that you get him back home soon. Also hope that you get some clearer answers/direction from the specialists... if that's possible. Polly xx
I am so sorry to hear about Reuben's temporary set back - you all must've been a wreck. I hope things get rectified soon for him. Love & strength to all 3 of you.
Thanks for the txt Catherine as I haven't been online all weekend. Dad managed to keep all of us informed and I spoke to Geraldine and Joe today.
Sorry to hear about this set-back, but relieved to know he arrived to the safest of hands. He seems to be getting terrific attention something we should praise highly.
We pray he'll continue to get the attention and care he deserves and that he becomes stronger under Reuben's "guardian angel".
All our love and thoughts are with you 3, hope to hear Reuben continues to improve.
Pete, Nicki, Corrin and Hannah.
I'm sorry to hear that Reuben is back in the ICU. It sounds like he is getting amazing care from his Drs. You will be in our thoughts and prayers...strength for Reuben and his parents, and a consensus from the Drs in terms of when to do the heart repair.
Sarah, Jeremy, and Evan
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