Now then, those of you who know me are well aware I will never win a literary prize. It would be foolish to try to compete with Catherine's wonderfully presented prose.
This is somewhat similar to a groom's speech at a wedding. Thank you, thank you, thank you.......
Thank you, Catherine, for publishing such a frank, beautifully detailed description of our brave boy's battle against adversity.
Thank you, to all you bloggers for your kind words of encouragement. Special thanks to Yuka for being totally awesome (you can see I'm becoming an Americano!) at all times.
Thank you, Reuben, my wonderful brave boy for all your stenghth and love.
Apologies to both grandads & godfather (Tottenham, Celtic & Wolves fans respectively) I think Reubens gonna be a West Ham fan as "..he's forever blowing bubbles!!!"
Jason Dodd
Hi Jason and Catherine!
I was happy to read that Reuben did well with the surgery yesterday and that they are keeping him "comfy" while his airway gets time to calm down and recover. We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and be sending lots of positive energy your way for Friday's extubation.
I especially loved seeing the picture of Reuben "blowing bubbles" and your humor about it... it's a far cry from what you were experiencing just a few days ago. As always, I look forward to the updates :-)
Kristi, John, Gracie and Preston
I just "met" your precious Reuben through Max's blog, and I am so in love with him already! I pray that Reuben continues to recover, and I pray for wisdom for Reuben's medical team. (We know that wisdom is sometimes only gained while on bended knee....)
Sending love your way from Seattle, WA--
the Mellos
Well said, Jason... I think you write very well actually! So pleased to hear that Reuben's surgery went well and I hope that he has the same success on Friday. Love to you all, Polly
I just heard about Reuben through Mighty Max's blog. You all are in our prayers. Keep fighting Reuben...we are praying for you!!!
Brian, Sarah, and Caleb Hlebiczki
Nice One Doddy, and Nice One (to your ) Son.
Our thoughts and best wishes are with you,
Stat, Jo, Jackson and Harrison
however, dearest Jason, you are a grand prizewinner all the same :o) You are most welcome. I am only too grateful to have something useful to do - some way to help. In some ways it is like reaching through time and easing the sorrows of days gone past. In some ways it is affirming the joys that are at first difficult to see. You and your family are magnificent - individually and collectively. Take good care - awaiting even more wonderful news on the wonders of Reuben, love,yuka
Hi Jason,
I thought it was Catherine blogging, as I didn't see the very obvious title "message from papa". You write beautifully.
I'm so glad for you all that things are finally getting a little easier and that he little lad will be more comfortable. Great news and keep blogging!
Hi Jason, Catherine and Reuben.
Finally returned to earth after a wonderfully relaxed holiday and a company move to St. Katherine's Dock.
Met up with Mum and Dad yesterday after they'd baby-sitted whilst we rocked at the V-festival with Anne, Geraldine and a bunch of friends.
Jason, I believe you've chosen a great team there, although as a fellow WHU fan I'd obviously say that. However the trials and tribulations that occur at Upton Park and the words from "Bubbles" are synonomous - "fortune's always hiding, I've looked everywhere".
We're all thinking of you and praying for little Reuben and his devoted parents.
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