Physical development
- Reu lifts head and chest when placed on stomach for short periods
- Reu straightens legs and kicks in sequence when lying on back
- Reu brings hands to mouth and rests them near face
- Reu takes swipes at dangling objects with hands
- Reu graps and shakes hand toys
- Reu straightens legs and pushes down when legs are placed on a firm surface or pressed
- Reu rolls over, front to back and back to side (working on back to front)
- Reu reaches and grasps with either or both hands, with improving aim
- Reu transfers objects from hand to hand
- Reu uses raking grasp to pick up objects
- Reu lifts legs high while on back
- Reu holds two objects, one in each hand
- Reu creeps on stomach
- Reu sucks either or both his hands, thumbs or fingers
- Reu touches his toes
Visual development
- Reu looks longer at the human face than objects
- Reu tracks moving objects with eyes to midline and prefers moving to stationary objects
- Reu follows familiar objects and people at a short distance
- Reu uses hands and eyes in coordination
- Reu is developing color vision (loves colourful toys)
- Reu's distance vision begining to mature
Receptive/Expressive Language Skills
- Reu smiles when I talk
- Reu giggles when excited
- Reu starting to turn head toward direction of sound
- Reu cries to express wants and needs
- Reu makes sounds for pleasure
- Reu turns head when name is called (!!!)
- Reu experiments with making noises with voice despite trach (blowing raspberries)
Socio-Emotional Skills
- Reu develops a social smile (especially with the pretty ladies)
- Reu enjoys playing with other people
- Reu imitates raspberry blowing
- Reu enjoys social and affectionate play
- Reu is becoming interested in mirror images
- Reu responds to other people’s expressions of emotion
- Reu knows difference between family members
- Reu vocalizes, smiles, reaches for familiar person
Thinking/Cognitive Skills
- Reu has longer periods of being alert
- Reu responds to sounds with facial expressions
- Reu shows interest in movement of own hand
- Reu explores objects with hands and (inevitably!) mouth
- Reu reaches for objects that are out of reach
- Reu watches food preparation and other normal routines
- Reu shakes and plays with objects
Reuben is doing awsome!! What a proud moment and wonderful milstones.
Keep up the great work!!
Crystal and Eva
Wow, I am impressed with all Reuben is doing! Mommy and Daddy are doing great with him.
he is awsome and i know u cant wait for everyone to come over to see him
I googled Di George Syndrome and your blog came up. My daughter has Di George, and I just wanted to send my prayers along to your family as well. I understand all the emotions that you have gone through. My daughter is only 3 months and I have been trying to set up a on-line support group. I hope that you can take a look at it and share your advice and story.
May God bless you and your family,
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