Reuben continues to fight what's likely the rotavirus infection and Dr Charlie his paediatrician says it could last 2-3 weeks. Nan and grandad Dodd arrived and Kristina's back from vacation and whilst Callum is all huge smiles, I haven't seen Reuben smile since the weekend. His skin is so grey, he's completely devoid of energy and has terrible and constant diarrhea. It's taken such a nasty hold of him and he looks at us with such sad eyes, only signing All done. I don't remember beyond the bleak hospital days, ever seeing him look so broken. Thanks to Nurse Jenn for helping him through the nights.
Please keep him in your thoughts to aid a speedy recovery.
just checking up on you and your boys and was sorry to read Reuben is so poorly. He is most definately in my thoughts, as are all of you x
I am so sorry to hear Reuben is so ill. Thinking of you! and sending you all strengths
So sorry to hear that hun. Big hugs and get well vibes coming your way. xxxxxx
Thinking of your sweet Reuben, and sending all loving and healing thoughts and prayers your way, friends.
Aww... sweet Reuben I hope you feel better real soon... I am sorry to hear that you are so sick. Sending prayers of a speedy recovery.
The Clayton Family
Hi Catherine,
I feel for you..Katie was in hospital for 3 days over xmas with Rotavirus and was very poorly indeed..
Recovery took 2 months for her and she also became lactose intorant too because of it.
I'm sending lots of hugs and thoughts your way and a speedy recovery for Reuben.
Take care
Lorna & Katie
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