Monday, March 30, 2009

Laundry day

Three little socks

All blue

Red and green should never be seen

The irony of the title of this post. Every day of course is a laundry day. The second thing is that I don't actually have a washing line (yet, nor have I ever seen one in California) although we're greening in so many areas (more details to follow). But I bought these pegs from IKEA loving the colour and the washing line, well that's just a Kangaroo pump feeding bag line...


Candi said...

Oh, that's funny! Rob would much rather have a line than our dryer. I, on the other hand, wouldn't be able to wait that long. And would be too overwhelmed with all the laundry we have to do. When the rellies from Australia visited they probably shrunk half their clothes - all their stuff says not to dry in a dryer on the label. The other half were hung up on all the shower curtain rods around the house. My grandmother used to use a line instead of a dryer. And I had forgotten about the wonderful memories I have of that until I saw your photos. Thanks.

Sara said...

So what on earth do you do? I LOVE line dried clothes and sheets. My washing goes out as soon as it's warm enough here! Saves electricity too.

Jenn said...

How colorful!!!

Congrats... for your speedy growing Callum turning 5 months soon and Reuben soon a month older turning 2 around the corner..

How fun it is... watching and observing pictures of your boys sharing activities with parallel playtime...

How lucky the Dodds boys are to have such loving and wonderful creative parents...

More power and love to you all-4- one --- one-4-all...