Saturday, September 12, 2009

28 and 10

* Big healthy boy Reuben, you: *

Try to tickle yourself and laugh all the same
Help me with the laundry, filling the washing machine, adding the detergent, signing empty (basket), full (machine) and washing machine
Say an increasing number of consonants, br, d, g, l, m, n, p, w
Say “la, la, la” and other little words, imitating my tongue movements and like Vivian, "la, la, la" is to become our interim word for "love"
Mostly say "Wadadada, mada"
Are learning opposites with Mama’s flash cards and are enjoying the new challenges of correctly identifying in pictures and then signing Black-white, In-Out, Up-Down etc
Have had a long period of great health
Crawl around in circles or scurry off to you know not where when you're beyond yourself with excitement
Enjoy sorting objects into lines, your little trucks, your bigger modes of transport displaying beautiful organisational skills and enjoy Mama joining in
Still thoroughly enjoy the "Where's the letter or number?" game on the alphabet mat and only struggling to find a letter or number when it's literally under your nosee
Open giving your glasses to Callum, you’ll seek out my gaze and start “Sorry Mama glasses”, and whilst I utterly adore you to pieces, I don’t think your apologetic sentiment is entirely sincere
Laugh an infectious, giggly laugh, burying your face into a shoulder or leg as you do and in fact, giggle all day long. I’m remembering how (rightly) serious you were in your early months and how happy, adventurous, funny and carefree you are now
Love being tickled on your inner thighs, your chest and your feet and love tickling Callum: it gives you great joy
In the absence of a daytime nap, sleep 7pm-7am
Make me feel my day isn’t complete until I’ve nestled my face into your hair and breathed you in, that heady concoction of afternoon sweat, lavender, trach tie ointment and sticky saliva

* Tall, lean Callum you *

Have striking blue eyes
Clap your hands on request
Still alternate expressions in an instant from surprise to beaming smile
Laugh in shrieks of delight when I tickle you
Can seemingly move in every direction, undertake every transition, now picking yourself back up to a sitting position
Want to crawl everwhere, even into the dark playroom at night
Love to stand up in your crib and chew on the teething rail which doesn’t quite extend as low as your bottom teeth, leaving inevitable teething marks on the wooden rails
Are starting to cruise furniture! Oh my!
Have a bedtime routine in the crib whereby you pull yourself up to stand, emanate a huge smile across your face at your accomplishment, chew for a bit, shriek for a bit longer, then let go and although yourself to fall back in a controlled fashion onto your bum before repeating over and over again
Still raise your hands in the air like a flamenco dancer when you're excited or agitated
Have been spotted in a 1 degree away from splits position (ouch)
Have a daytime napping routine of sleeping on the go, wherever you’re laying your head, in the car, on my shoulder, in the baby carrier or in the stroller although you have been known to fall asleep as I swish you through the water waters of the pool
Have developed a cooler temperament than of late and whilst there will still be moments of displays of your temper, you have a sweet and lovely disposition for most of the time
Have 5 teeth, 2 on top, 3 on the bottom with no sign of any more to come
Consider the following to be suitable teething rings: bed frames, clothes, rubber letters from the alphabet mat, Reuben’s glasses, Mama’s chin, Mama’s breast, Mama’s shoulder, actually any part of Mama and the funny thing is when you teeth on these objects, you make a big swallow afterwards, as if you’re truly savouring the taste of wood, skin and cloth
Manipulate and pick toys up between your feet when you're in the bouncer. Jenn and I watched as you then proceeded to try to pick up the large Tonka truck and do the same. Well, you partly succeeded
Sleep 8pm-6am with several 20 minute naps during the day (which look to be consolidating now to one larger nap at lunchtime)
Are extremely vocal with spoken syllables, shrieks, giggles, cries and little words
Still whisper “da da da… t!” til you fall asleep

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