Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fast asleep

Nursie Fanaye helps out with Reuben's trach tie maintenance, for which we're using a layer of antibacterial ointment to prevent infection, petroleum-coated gauze to prevent sticking and split gauze to create a padded barrier between the trach and his skin. Comforted by the caressing on his neck as he so often does when I massage his neck during trach tie maintenance, Reuben falls straight to sleep. I am utterly touched by this image of the two of them and Reuben's squishy face spilling over her shoulder. Reuben then sleeps for 3 hours, and breaks a long time habit of not napping during the day


Candi said...

Lovely image. I am just now catching up and I can't believe what you all have been through lately. Oh, I hope things become boring very soon, and both boys are able to stay in good health.

Crystal M. said...

Very sweet!!

hannah m said...

So, so lovely. You're so blessed to have such a wonderful person to help and care with so much love for Reu.