Scrap of paper, idly scribbled
Orange, blue and green,
Taken from the waiting room
Crayola markings seen.
Finding words to say I love you
Learning signs to show
Couldn't sleep for want last night
To show you all I know.
Sweet smile on your face
That's wheeled through auto doors
I catch a glimpse now once again
Down shiny white corridors.
Looking down now to those scribbles
As you're wheeled away
Cannot take my eyes away
From what it has to say.
What has my sweet boy drawn on
This idle script from Reu?
Your namesake on this colouring book! titled
"How do I say I love Roo?".
[Idly scribed by Mama as I await your return from the operating room, clutching the colouring book page you found in the waiting room and were scribbling on an hour ago]
Update: Surgery went very smoothly, the simplest yet. I'd brought my laptop not knowing how long we'd be around for so he could watch Baby Signing Time and with his hand swaddled in bandages with the cumbersome IV underneath, he started trying to sign along.
So happy to hear everything went well. Thinking of your family and wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving.
Love, Tracy K.
Oh, "REU" brave little Big strong sweet boy....
You do find that extra strength as always with your "Mama" Catherine whether at home, family outing, or your daily routine to your Doctors' visit, and or even with your clueless eyes of that hospital - surgery purposes...
As you get older, you are gradually getting the clues put together to pieces whenever you go to the hospital ... just collected in your memories of the numerous visits... but for the most we all know that it was so special as well being with your "Mama" Catherine there as always on your side and for sure your angels always with you on your side keeping you safe...
With love & lots of hugs to you "REU"...
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