Monday, November 13, 2006

Pregnancy week 14: Viva Las Vegas

Erica’s book reads “How are you feeling now you’re in the second trimester?”
The response is something in between “Get out of my way, I’m going to throw up” and “calmer”.
Las Vegas was excellent although I had a nasty nausea turn outside the posh Venetian Casino. Slept well though at the hotel and we all have a wonderful time.
Still horribly bothered now I'm back with the nausea and retching, mostly caused by brushing my teeth. When will this sickness ever end?
Who have we told of the pregnancy? Beyond our immediate families, my closest friends Erica and Steph and Mike Anslow’s wife Janet whom will soon be embarking on IVF herself, and Jason’s close friends and colleagues, very few other people. I plan to call everyone on my birthday when I’ll be well into my second trimester and will not only have the strength for an excited phone call, but perhaps the assurance that all this is really happening and it’s not too good to be true.
And how am I feeling about the pregnancy now that I’m in the second trimester? Well clearly as morning sick as ever, enjoying the changes to my body, completely exhausted and as happy as can be.
My weight 164lbs. Blood pressure 116/70.

Boo’s length 8 ½ cm, weight 45g (1½oz)

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