Monday, September 8, 2008


Signing to the shadows under the beautiful evening light that basks the playroom

On the Santa Monica Bluffs

Recording the feet of Reuben and two friends from the NICU, 24 and 29 week premies. Reuben was always the whitist kid on the NICU blog, a fact I've emphasised here in the saturation and exposure.

First fireworks, 4th July

Jason and I enjoy lunch at Gordon Ramsay's, a very rare 40th birthday treat

The pianist

July 2007, July 2008, same toy; what a difference a year makes

Magic of the acquarium

I've been rather remiss in taking photos of late after the mammoth year of a Photo a Day which ended in May. I want a brief record of this summer, the high points and so I'll add some photos to this post as I go through the summer shots.

I dream of days and evenings

When summer casts its shadows long

And hope to capture something new

Before the summer's gone

- Mama

1 comment:

Amy, Mike and Ben Russo said...

What beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing! I'm so envious of your special meal. I would love to dine on his fare.