Sunday, April 19, 2009

Reuben much stronger

There's an amazing antiobiotic, Cipro which does the trick every time but which is extremely powerful and should only be used when he really needs it. From a truly horrific Friday night of coughing, to Reuben back signing again today and signing "more signs" to me when I thought we'd finished, he's getting much stronger. Thanks for thinking of him. Pneumonia is a terrible thing for anyone to catch, especially a child with a compromised airway and other disabilities, but after 3 weeks of build up, we can see him finally turning a corner today.

On that positive note, happy birthday to my Dad today!


Anonymous said...

That's great news! I'm so happy he is feeling better. He is just so cute with those curls. I can't believe he will be 2 yrs. old in a few weeks. Time flies. Enjoy your boys.

Love, Tracy K.

Mary said...

I am familiar with Cipro. My daughter sold drugs for Pfizer when it came out. I remember her saying it was a powerful drug and that it was very important that all the prescription be taken. Please keep us updated when you have time.

How are your dad's knees. It's almost time for more cortisone for mine.

Crystal M. said...

I am so happy to hear Reuben is feeling so much better.
Crystal and Eva

Anonymous said...

so pleased to hear that Reuben is on the mend.
Ali turned 2 a matter of weeks ago, and Reuben's almost there now.
Incredible where are our little babies hey!
love chell