Monday, August 17, 2009

Tales of Bournemouth

First things first: thanks for all your messages of support and beautiful emails that I received, for still wanting to read the blog, or becoming a follower and everything else in between.

Arrived back in LA last night to an 8/8ths cloud cover of marine layer and parched desert earth filtering through into view below, leaving behind a lush and pleasant land and bright sunshine having long overstayed our welcome at my sister's house in Bournemouth on the South Coast of England for a week and taking up far too much of her space with our paraphernalia. Her home sits but 5 minutes walk from gorgeously long stretches of fine sandy beaches, punctuated by coastal zone defensive groynes with views out to the Isle of Purbeck and the Isle of Wight whose white chalk cliffs glow strikingly against the deep blue, clean waters when the sun sets, a most picturesque and visually arresting view. The beaches are backed by native brush, bramble and wild growing blackberries you could fill a basket with. I have no doubt the bluffs in Santa Monica, LA would have started life in a similar fashion before the advent of the highway and which I feel somewhat taints the sanctuary and solace of the beach setting it skirts. Ah, for all beaches to be public! But then how can I compare the beaches of a megalopolis to a seaside town in England?

Beloved of geography field trips at school, we would often be plonked onto the Isle of Purbeck and made to make our way carrying ordinance survey maps back to the ancient town of Wareham, using natural landmarks and a compass to guide our way against March winds and rains. How thrilling I found the force of rain against my face back then, all wrapped up snuggly in a waterproof mac.

"Swanage bound
I wish I was
Swanage bound...
And all of it comes back to me
Old Harry and his family"

sung to the tune of Garfunkels' "Homeward Bound". Ah the made-up songs from school years sung on the mini-bus come back to me.

Listening to BBC Radio Five Live whilst driving along the Isle of Purbeck, nay, more a peninsular attached to Studland, I hear of a dog that has jumped off the formidable shear chalk cliffs cropped by grazing sheep by the chalk stacks of Old Harry Rocks in pursuit of a wild rabbit. Said Dr was discovered swimming out at sea, still searching for the elusive rabbit and was then taken back to shore about a jetski. What a Bondesque hound! The fate of the rabbit has yet to be determined.

TBC with pics and more "England, where my heart lies" stories...


Sara said...

LOVELY part of the country - we were down there on holiday (while you were in the London area). The girls had a lot of fun on Swanage beach! Glad you're all home safely now. Looking forward to more updates and photos xxxx

Victoria Nelson said...

yay! happy to hear you all are home! i hope your vacation was exactly what you needed to rest and relax - and to just get away from LA!
cant wait to see you.

Anonymous said...

So wonderful to have you back online - your prose makes me feel as if I were right there along with you. Know you'll post pics soon (smile!)


Amélie said...

Lived here all my life 42 years lol and never been to Bournmouth !!! Its sounds like I am seriously missing out and need to give it a visit!!

Glad to hear your all doing amazingly well, boys are both gorgeous and growing...

Finally a midwife and a job at St Marys more time for blogs and catching up on the world now !!