Sunday, January 20, 2008

Beef jerky




Beef jerky, rather alien to us Brits, but it's helping with his oral feeding. Perhaps someone can enlighten us to exactly what it is!


Unknown said...

i know it is beef coz it is called that LOL well great hes trying it to

Ericap said...

Have to say that I found the packets of 'beef jerky', amongst the M&M's and popcorn packets, all rather odd. But then people could say the same about us Brits when they see packets of pork scratchings (i.e crispy pig skin in little packets) behind the bar at the pub, all nations have their 'interesting cultural tastes'.
Great to see that his teeth are coming through, he will love to use them I am sure!
love Erica

UndercoverPete said...

Beef Jerky is salted and spiced meat, trimmed of fat and slow dried to preserve. Its roots lie with the Incas but similar food is also found in South Africa. Its actually quite healthy, very tasty and lasts for ages.

Geraldine said...

Isn't it pronnounced Ju-wicky?